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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Laboratory diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis

Laboratory diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis

  1. Special collection:
    -          3 Sputum samples (on 3 consecutive mornings)-          Blood-          Swab-          Bronchial aspirates.
  1. Microscopic examination:
  1. Ziehl-Neelsen staining
Finding : M.tuberculosis appears as straight or slight curved rods.
  1. Dark ground illumination (DGI)
Finding: Yellow –orange bacilli.
  1. Fluorescence microscopy .
Aura mine / Rhoda mine stain (for rapid screening purpose)
  1. Isolation & identification from culture:
  1. Lowenstein –Jensen medium:
Incubate at 37°C for 4-6 weeks aerobically.


-Colonies are dry, wrinkled &tenacious.
- At first white and later on Buffy colored.
1. BACTEC broth medium.
2. Dubo’s medium : Time taken for growth is about 10-17 days.
3. Tissue culture medium.
- Tubercle bacilli grow around nuclei in the form of cords after about 5 days.
4. Middle brook media.Immunological tests:
-Tuberculin test (Monteux  test).
- ICT (Immunochromatography test)for antibody.
-ELISA for antibody and antigen.
5. Nucleic acid based technique :

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

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