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Monday, February 2, 2015

Pathogenesis of enteric fever

Pathogenesis of enteric fever

Causative agent:

Salmonella (at least 106   -109 microorganism are needed to cause disease)
Route of entry: Faeco –oral route.
Incubation period: 10-14 days.

Pathogenesis of enteric fever:

Entry of salmonella to the stomach
Duodenum (small intestine)Multiply in mononuclear phagocytes of payer’ s  patches
Mesenteric lymph nodes
Enter blood (primary bacteraemia)
Liver ,spleen ,bone marrow ,kidney ,lung,
Secondary heavy bacteraemia [onset of clinical illness-enteric fever]
Gall bladder, liver & spleen [2nd & 3rd weeks]
Peyer’s patches of intestine.
Lymphatic follicles
Typhoid ulcer[4th &5th weeks]

Laboratory diagnosis of enteric fever:

Diagnosis is based on isolation of salmonella species by blood culture. Blood culture and antigen detection is reliable in the 1st week.
  1. Specimen collection:
ð  Blood for blood culture-1st &2nd week.
ð  Serum for widal test-2nd week.
ð  Stool for stool culture-3rd week.
ð  Urine for urine culture -4th week.
  1. Microscopic examination:
ð  It is not helpful.
  1. Isolation % identification from culture.

Blood culture:

Positive in 1st week of infection. Can be done in 3 processes-
(a)    Traditional-(using liquid media on biphasic media)
(b)   Lytic method –(After processing in lytic solution in solid media)
(c)    Automated-(very rapid –within 6 hour)
Stool culture:
Positive in 2nd or 3rd week . It is done in-
ð  Mac-Conkey’s agar.
ð  Deoxucholate citrate agar (DCA)
  1. Serological test:
Positive in 2nd week.

->Widal test.

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