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Friday, February 13, 2015

Spirochetes & Treponema palladium


A microscopic bacterial organism in the spirohaetaceae family spirochetes, have  a worm –like spiral-shaped form and wiggle vigorously when viewed under a microscope treponema palladium, the cause of syphilis ,is a particularly well known member of spirochete,

Classification of Spirochetes :

  1. Pathogenic for humans : Three genera.
  1. Treponema-causes syphilis, bejel , yaw and  painta,
  2. Borrelia –causes relapsing fever and lyme disease.
  3. Leptospira-causes leptospirosis (wails disease)
  1. Communal and saprophytes: communal of the mouth and genital tract.

Treponema palladium:

Disease: syphilis-the great pox:
  1. T. palladium is about 5-15 ×0.2 µm
  2. It is a flexuous helix having evenly distributed 6-12 coils.
  3. It is actively motile-rotating and slow bending motility often forming a complete circle.
Staining : staining by silver impregnation causes thickening of the organism and can be seen by dark field microscope. It can not be stained by gram method.
Treponema: three species are of medical importance-
  1. Teponema palladium-causes syphilis and bejel.
  2. Treponema preemie- causes yaws.
  3. Treponema carteum –causes pinta.
Pathogen city: T.pallidum causes
  1. Syphilis: Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease(STD)
Syphilis are two types:
a.       Sexually acquired (venereal )syphilis.
b.      Congenital syphilis.
  1. Bejel : bejel group of diseases, or endemic syphilis or non –venereal syphilis .
Transmission of syphilis :
  1. Sexual contact with an infected person.
  2. Transplacental transmission from infected mother to newborn.
  3. From transfusion of infected blood
  4. Intravenous drug abusers who share a common needle.
  5. Accidental transmission in laboratory workers.
Stages of acquired syphilis:
  1. Primary syphilis
  2. Secondary syphilis.
  3. Latent syphilis.
  4. Tertiary syphilis.
Laboratory diagnosis of syphilis:
Principle: Laboratory diagnosis of syphilis consists of direct demonstration of treponemas by microscopic examination and serological test,
-          From lesion fo primary syphilis(hared chancre) and secondary syphilis (condylomata lata).
-          Serum .
-          CSF.
Macroscopic  examination:
1.Dark ground illumination (DGI)
Findings: Cork screw movement of T.pallidum.
2.Direct florescent antibody (DFA)test.
Findings : Typical fluorescent stained spirochetes.
Serological tests:
  1. Non –treponemal regain tests.
-          VDRL.
  1. Treponemal detection
-          TPHA
-          FTA-ABS

-          ELISA.

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