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Friday, February 6, 2015

Enter toxin mediated

Pathogenesis of diarrhea by E. coli (Enter toxin mediated)

Diagnose urinary tract infection (UTI) caused by E. coli.
  1. Specimen:
ð  Clean catch mid-stream urine.
ð  Suprapubic puncture in infants.
  1. Microscopic examination:
Wet preparation of centrifuged deposit , it helps in provisional diagnosis.
Finding : Pus cell > 5 per high power field (HPF) is significant to diagnose of UTI.
  1. Isolation and identification from culture:


  1. Mix the urine by rotating the container .
  2. Using a sterile calibrated wire loops, inoculate a loopful of urine in media like
ð  Blood agar.
ð  Mac-Conkey’s agar media.
  1. Incubate the plates aerobically at 37°C for over night.
Colony coutn:
  • 105/ ml of Gram –negative bacilli is  significant
  • In case of supra-pubic puncture, only one colony of Gram-negative bacilli is significant.
  1. Biochemical tests: Identification is also done by standard bio-chemical tests like-
i.KIA medium
Slant           =y2
Butt            =y
Gas             = ±
H2S            =Negative(-)
ii.MIU medium
Motility      =   +1
Indole         =    +3
Urease        =(-)  

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